Battle Reports

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

#2 - High Elves vs. Warriors Of Chaos

Hello there!
Lucky-Sixes here for our second battle report!

So the Warhammer World trip was brilliant, and after our arranged battle between ourselves – and meeting John who was chatting to us all day, I decided to give him a quick match with my other army that I brought (and the main army that I collect!) – The High Elves!

It was a battle against John’s Chaos Warriors, and again, in an ironic gesture to our group name it was with all painted models that represented themselves – giving it a non-proxy rating of 10 / 10. 

2,500pts of non-proxied goodness!
John looking very excited to smash some squishy Elves!

Unlike the last battle report, we didn’t write anything down for this, so there won’t be exact details and most of the report is written from memory. I apologise if any of it seems hazy, and to John if any of this is incorrect but I will do my best to get the main gist of what went on in the battle. Another disclaimer is that this is the first ever report that I’ve written; so please leave comments below and let me know how I can improve!

Anyway down to business. Army Lists were as follows: