Battle Reports

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

#3 - Warriors Of Chaos vs. Dwarfs

Hallo there!
Lucky-Sixes here for another battle report!

So on the back of playing against John’s Warriors Of Chaos Army (see Battle Report #2), I wanted to start building my own 2,500pts Chaos army with the models I had plus a few additions, based on what I had seen on the internet and in the battle with John. I had painted up some of the models that I owned (as you might be aware if you’ve been keeping up with the PTG painting challenge I set myself…) and so was eager to see how it would fair. Hyper-G duly stepped up to take on the Warriors list with one of his Dwarf armies that he had lists for – and rolled a newly created, special character heavy, shooting list at random.
The Generals line up to do a bit of rock/paper/scissors before the battle. Unfortunately they draw and decide it's best to battle it out…

We gave this battle a non-proxy rating of 5 / 10 as I had most of my models painted up, but the Dwarfs didn’t – mainly because it was a bit of a trial list. So the Night Goblins filled in for some infantry based support!

This would be good for both of us as Hyper-G was using a list that he had not used before, and I would see how my combat army would fair against a lot of shots!

The army lists are as follows: