Battle Reports

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

PTG & The 9th Age

So my post yesterday was a bit of a closure entry and not just in terms of finishing up my activity on Lizardmen.

It was also an entry to mark the end of PTG's 15-16 season and our official move into THE 9th AGE!

I'd mentioned previously about how PTG didn't really embrace The End Times (at all) and that Age Of Sigmar didn't grab us either and so we were continuing with 8th Edition.  This has been fine for some time and we continued to do so right through until the end of May 2016.  Our 'season', which sounds a lot more organised than it actually is, runs from 1st June - 31st May each year and so we decided it was as good of a time as any to explore something that was really beginning to take off in Warhammer circles.

The 9th Age is getting a lot of attention as the gaming system to replace 8th Edition and I wholeheartedly agree with everything that it has done.  It's exactly what gamers needed to revive a hobby that looked like it was dying and so I feel it necessary to first of all state my praise for all those people that have come together to make The 9th Age a real product, not least one that is very enjoyable and competitive.

Therefore since we decided to give The 9th Age rules a go, we've had 4 'practice' games.  The first 3 were between myself and Lucky-Sixes, while Stat-Rat got in on the game for the fourth one.  Over the next few posts I'm going to run down how those battles went and our thoughts on what happened.

Fingers crossed it will be the beginning of more regular posting!
Come on The 9th Age!


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