I managed to get another few painting sessions under my belt in the last week and so have completed some more of my long list of unfinished models. Not sure whether I'm making good progress or not, but I feel like I'm taking down the list quite well - at least quicker than I have done before.
Anyway, last time we spoke I had finished the Phoenix & Elder Dragon Centaur, and started on the cavalry models of the Knights of Ryma & Wraiths / Spectral Hunters. This is where we were at:
I have now indeed finished these cavalry units, meaning I have an extra 10 of each to play with in my future battles. So without further-a-do, let's go through the new models in my collection...
First - the Knights of Ryma. These were an absolute nightmare to paint! Don't get me wrong, I love the models, and I think the detail on them is fantastic, but it means for a painstakingly long time to get through - especially when there's 10 of the bad boys! There was soooo many times where I shouted profanities at them after going over a white area with blue paint, only to correct it, but go over a blue area with white paint - over and over and over again! Aaarghhhhh! To be fair, this is common practice with the High Elf models for the most part. I would describe the High Elves as a "clean" army, which means there is little room for error and there are lots of finikity (if that's a word!) details that make the model look fantastic - but at the same time - make it a real battle to paint well!
Anyway, below are the finished products. Like all my models, I don't proclaim to be the world's best (lol by a long way!) but I'm pretty happy with how they've turned out for my ability. Plus, as an added bonus, they look very similar to the ones I had previously painted, so I can mix and match with that unit with the knowledge that they won't look bad together!
Next up, over to the Wraiths / Spectral Hunters. These could not have been more opposite to the Elven Knights! They must have taken me 1/3 of the time at most. The models give nearly as much detail but all assembled in about 4 pieces! To be fair though, the Vampire army is quite opposite in style (I think) as I would describe this army as a "dirty" army, meaning not as much care needs to be taken when painting the colours because it actually sometimes looks better when the Undead are all misshapen and horrid looking. Not always, but they certainly don't need as much care as the Elves IMO.
To give a bit of a background to these, I wanted them to match their fluff in terms of the fact that they are ethereal. I painted a model a while back and I really liked how it came out. It was the Altar of Undeath and the fluff behind that is that it is drawn by ethereal steeds and ghosts. I combined that with the Lord of the Rings style ghost look, and like I said, really liked the outcome. I painted the base white (and silver for metal) and then simply over coated it with a green wash. This gave it a ghostly look and I thought I'd keep with that theme for these as they're essentially ghost riders!
I wasn't sure at first whether I liked the look of these individually, and if I'm honest actually considered leaving them without the wash. Although I'm glad I didn't, as the wash really gave it some more detail and highlighted the little nooks and crannies like a wash does! I dry brushed the models white first, so that the green would show up more on the turquoise blue/green horse coat thing...
So this means now that my completed models stand at:
10x Knights of Ryma (Highborn Elves)
10x Wraiths / Spectral Hunters (Vampire Covenant)
1x Frost Phoenix (Highborn Elves)
1x Elder Dragon Centaur (Warriors of the Dark Gods)
That's 22 / 100 models completed - leaving the list of remaining models to be completed by 2018 as:
1x Necromancer (Vampire Covenant) - Formerly Henrich Kemmler Model
1x Mage/Archmage (Highborn Elves)
1x Phoenix Rider (Highborn Elves)
2x Commander/High Prince (Highborn Elves) - One of which was formerly Annointed of Asuryan
17x Sea Guard (Highborn Elves)
41x Zombies (Vampire Covenant)
5x Elein Reavers (Highborn Elves)
5x Barrow Knights (Vampire Covenant)
5x Wasteland Knights (Warriors of the Dark Gods)
So that's it for this update; as always thanks for supporting and hope you enjoyed!
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