Using this update to combine quite a few models together, as I've had about 4/5 more painting sessions since the last update - and a theme has emerged! So, I'm labelling this update as "The Cavalry Charge!"
Now I can hear what you're all saying - "STOP with these unbreakable riddles, and just tell us what that could possibly mean!?". Okay, okay I will put you all out of your misery - I have painted up my cavalry models! I know, what a shocker. Anyhooo...
However, before we get into the new, let's recap what has already been completed from the last 3 updates.
41x Zombies (Vampire Covenant)
10x Knights of Ryma (Highborn Elves)
10x Wraiths / Spectral Hunters (Vampire Covenant)
1x Frost Phoenix + Rider (Highborn Elves)
1x Elder Dragon Centaur (Warriors of the Dark Gods)
(1x Lionguard Standard)* - This is not included in total model count but thought I'd add it in for shizzles and giggles
So as you can see, I have done some little touch ups to my models, adding some greenery on the Knights of Ryma & Phoenix models. Amazing how much difference a little sprinkling of grass and shrubbery can do to make the model look better. Granted its not the most creative of bases but it works for me and my standard of painting so I'm happy!
I can now add cavalry for Highborn Elves, Vampires and Warriors - helping to bolster my non-proxy catalogue for these 3 armies; and more importantly knocking off 15 more models off my 100 model total taking it to 78/100 complete.
So without further ado, lets take a look at the end result. First up, the Elein Reavers...
To be honest, I am least happy about these models of everything so far. they still feel a bit like a work in progress. For example, the Quiver isn't finished - straight up. I need to add wash to the arrows and add some more colour to the design of the quiver itself so that to start. I also need to add wash to the body itself to make them look more realistic and add a bit more colour to the main of the horse for definition. Finally, I need to add grass to the models and hide that plain green base, even if it is just the same as the other Elven models previously. Add into that a few gems here and there and the little details and I've pretty much got a new model to paint.
On the positive side, I do like the blue/silver bits that are on there so far, and the white cloth has come up quite clean, and from a distance on the battlefield they do look finished - but you (and I!) know this is not the case...
On hindsight, I'm not sure why i have included them as 'finished' but it may be because I've spent a lot of time on these and got frustrated so just gave up lol. so consider this one a work in progress and I will update you on changes in the next post.
Moving on swiftly, we have the mighty Wasteland Knights, with Full command...
So far I have found Warriors of the Dark Gods models really fun to paint and actually not that difficult to add detail. To be fair the models themselves help out with this a lot, as there is so much detail on the moulds that after adding the gold trim, a simple dry brush technique really highlights all the different grooves and gives the models real definition. I tend to base them all black, add in the more intricate painting of silver and gold, and then finish off with dry brushing the whole model with silver to give it that metallic effect while also giving the models a bit of dynamism. I didn't use any wash on these which may be something I add in later to help give more definition to the gold parts and dull down the bright colour but I am happy with the outcome at this stage so no rush for that.
The only thing I would say with these is that it is quite hard to put them together in the unit because of the massive weapons that they hold. not massively but something to note for any future models, to think about how the models will affect each other. I must admit, this is something that I never think about when in the assembly phase for any of my models and something I will think about moving forward.
But anyway, to sum up - I really liked painting these and love the work that has gone into sculpting these models. Big fan! I like how they've come out, really giving the impression they are the elite cavalry that they should be.
NEXT! Some Undead (Barrow) Knights, again with Full command...
As with all Undead, first I made everything white, adding some detail on the armour/weapons and ending with a muddy wash. Sounds simple but similar to the zombies, the wash makes all the difference. The great thing about painting an Undead army is it doesn't have to look pristine, and can even look better muddy/dirt-ily painted and the wash (like the dry-brushing) brings out so much character to the model and best of all, you get such quick results when applying it. I have even added in 'rust' to the gold parts of the models (shields and horse armour) which I thought was cool. Finishing off with the simple basing I think they have come out pretty well. only trouble is, 5 black knights doesn't really do much on the battlefield meaning I'm gonna need at least another 5/10. but pretty easy to duplicate I think - minimal colours and dry-brush does most the work - so no worries there.
But wait that is not all! Oh no. Carrying on the on the Cavalry-theme (kind of) I have a Highborn to add to this update, and fittingly (again, kind of) it is the rider for a Highborn Elf mount - the Phoenix Rider! Okay so its not for Cavalry but I felt it was similar enough to include through this category so I've gone with... so there.
I am actually quite proud of this one. I used a slightly different technique with him, adding multiple washes as I go and then layering it with the different colours. I feel this has helped me to get that extra detail out of the models and (surprisingly actually) gives the model more of a crisp feel. It has certainly changed my opinion of how to paint Highborn Elves, and I would say that this is now one of my better quality painted models of my whole collection. I will certainly be painting my other characters and models using this technique moving forward. The only thing I would say is that it isn't as light as my other models. Meaning I may have to redo my older models or do something with them anyway. Although I have since noticed that I've missed the gem on his torso so I'll have to update that in the next few painting sessions but can't grumble too much to be fair.
That concludes my latest updates on the painting challenge and overall, I'm pretty please with all these new additions. Although, I still think there's more work to do on the Reavers. But then again, it may be because they were painted at the same time as the other cavalry which tend to be much quicker to finish, and so there may have been a bit of frustration that comes with painting the High Elves, as they need to be very clean and pristine (in my opinion anyway). But hey ho, there you go! That's for my next challenge I guess.
Anyway, to finish, here's a quick overall picture to sum up the work done so far...
So, with all that said and done, we have the following left to complete:
1x Henrich Kemmler (Vampire Covenant)
1x Mage/Archmage (Highborn Elves)
2x Commander/High Prince (Highborn Elves) - One of which was formerly Annointed of Asuryan
17x Lothern Sea Guard (Highborn Elves)
Not much more to go, with 79 / 100 now complete! See you next time folks.
As always, thanks for supporting and hope you enjoyed!
If you have any questions or want to leave any comments then please feel free to do so!
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