Battle Reports

Saturday, 4 October 2014

#1 Vampire Counts vs. Lizardmen - Turns 5-6 & Post-Battle

Turns 1-2 for this battle can be found on this link:

Turns 3-4 for this battle can be found on this link:

Things weren’t looking particularly good for the Lizardmen at the start of turn 5 as my Skrox were seriously surrounded and my Cold Ones were fleeing.  My Stegadon was engaged with the Crypt Ghouls and a single Salamander remained.  On the plus the Saurus Warriors were looking at a below average charge on the Varghulf which they proudly completed.

I also took the opportunity (whilst Lucky-Sixes and Stat-Rat weren’t at the table) to take a bit of coaching from an onlooker.  John gave me the idea of trying to use the Salamander’s flames to take away Fredericko’s Regeneration and then following up with a shower of poisoned Skink Javelins.  It was a good strategy but it was only at this point that Lucky-Sixes remembered Fredericko’s Dragonbane Gem not to mention the Strigoi being close enough to get the Skeleton’s on ‘Look out, Sir!’ duty!

The Skeletons took a heavy toll for their devotion to Fredericko but ultimately the Strigoi escaped unscathed.
But only a single wound could be dealt to the Varghulf who did enough wounds back to force a steadfast test.

#1 Vampire Counts vs. Lizardmen - Turns 3-4

Turns 1-2 for this battle can be found on this link:

Turns 5-6 & Post-Battle can be found on this link:

Turn 3 for the Lizardmen began with a contentious flank charge from the Temple Guard on the Mortis Engine.  There was a bit of debate about whether it was a legal charge due to the confined space but Lucky-Sixes was feeling generous and allowed it through.  The Cold Ones and Stegadon shuffled slightly and the Salamander on the left fled from the table to seek aid for his wounded toe.  The Salamander in the middle rallied seeing that it had one more Skink Handler still left to eat.
The more I look at this the more I think it was an illegal charge!

I managed to get through an Iceshard Blizzard on the Mortis Engine but a Harmonic Convergence was dispelled and despite using 4 dice plus a power stone (a sneaky Slann trick) another attempt at a boosted Shem’s Burning Gaze on the Terrorgheist was snuffed out with a dispel scroll.

In the combat the Temple Guard took off all but one of the Mortis Engine’s wounds but only after the Banshee Swarm had killed off Skink Priest Xotyl who had failed to make use of his Scroll Of Shielding before dying.  The Kroxigor attacking last managed to do the final wound to the Mortis Engine at which point all Hell broke loose as it exploded in the midst of both armies.  The pictures show various reforms I made on my Skinks as we weren’t sure at what point the Mortis Engine should blow up.

#1 Vampire Counts vs. Lizardmen - Turns 1-2

Hopefully there’s no better way to start this Blog than by posting a battle report, fought at Warhammer World, Nottingham, England.

As it was a special occasion, we decided to use two of our armies that we owned painted models for; Vampire Counts and Lizardmen.  Therefore, the first report for Proxy Table Gaming is ironically a 2,500 point non-proxy battle!  Only a handful of our models were not painted therefore this report has a non-proxy rating of 9.5 / 10.  (A report with all painted non-proxy models would achieve a 10 out of 10 score).

Army Lists were as follows:

Vampire Counts – Commanded by Lucky-Sixes (Total 2,500 points)

Lords & Heroes – 1,107 points 
Strigoi Ghoul King (Fredericko Von Hesselink) on Terrorgheist
(Level 1, Beguile, Red Fury, Aura Of Dark Majesty, Sword Of Bloodshed, Potion Of Strength, Dragonbane Gem) 
Wight King (Izarazul) 
(BSB, Great Weapon, Armour Of Destiny) 
Necromancer (Toby The Half-Zombie) 
(Level 2, Dispel Scroll) 
Vampire (Saxon The Merciless) 
(Level 2, Quickblood, Heavy Armour, Great Weapon, Other Trickster’s Shard)

Core – 635 points

20x Zombies

20x Zombies

30x Skeleton Warriors (Full Command, Screaming Banner)

20x Crypt Ghouls (Champion)

5x Dire Wolves (Champion)

5x Dire Wolves (Champion)

Special & Rare – 758 points

3x Vargheists (Champion)

Mortis Engine (Blasphemous Tome)

Black Coach


Lucky-Sixes says... "Writing my army list, I was just surprised I had 2,500pts of non-proxied Vampires to be honest – despite the non-painted Zombies (although the week leading up to the battle I had fast-tracked 10x Skellies, 3x Vargheists and a few characters just to be able to field a viable army!). Not a standard VC list, but with a lot of rare units, and a blender lord on Terrorgheist it was going to be a fun one to start.

With a lack of cannons (on either side) the monsters/chariots were always likely to have an impact on the game, and would probably mean I had the opportunity to get my Terrorgheist into the thick of things. Not too worried about my core – and if I had the chance I would’ve boosted the Skeleton numbers (by at least double), but otherwise I was feeling pretty good.

My only real concern was getting out magicked by the Slann. Having 2x level 2s & a level 1 against his level 4 and 2x level 2s would be difficult, as VC would normally rely on magic to add the necessary boosters, but I had enough chaff to hopefully be able to pick my battles and block his charges when needed.

Regardless of what was going to happen, it looked like a really fair match up and was promising to be a good start to the PTG campaign…"

Lizardmen – Commanded by Hyper-G (Total 2,496 points)

Lords & Heroes – 965 points

Slann Mage-Priest (Itz’li)

(BSB, Power Stone, Soul Of Stone, Wandering Deliberations)

Skink Priest (Lotyl) on Ancient Stegadon with Engine Of The Gods

(Level 2, Dispel Scroll, Unstoppable Stampede)

Skink Priest (Xotyl)

(Level 2, Cloak Of Feathers, Scroll Of Shielding)

Core – 625 points

40x Saurus Warriors (Full Command, Spears)

15x Skink Cohort & 1x Kroxigor (Full Command)

Special & Rare – 906 points

10x Temple Guard (Full Command)

10x Chameleon Skinks

10x Chameleon Skinks

6x Cold One Riders (Musician, Standard, Spears)

Salamander Hunting Pack (Extra Handler)

Salamander Hunting Pack (Extra Handler)

Salamander Hunting Pack (Extra Handler)

Hyper-G says... "Whilst it’s fairly clear that I’m lacking in Temple Guard numbers and Kroxigor for the Skrox I’m not terribly disappointed with the structure of my (non-proxy) Lizardmen army.  This is pretty much my entire painted Lizardmen collection!  It boosts a combination of speed from the Chameleons (although the models are normal Skinks), Cold Ones and Salamanders with a hard to shift unit of 40 Saurus Warriors and capable magic.  The Stegadon will always be handy on a battlefield without any cannons and its 6+ ward save to units nearby could prove very useful.  I’m also happy playing the Temple Guard as a bunker for my Slann to cast magic from without expecting too much from them.  The Skrox with only one Kroxigor are probably nothing more than a distraction and I’m hopeful that with lots of Vampire Count infantry core about my Salamanders should have plenty to fry!"
Lizardmen army deploys centrally flanked by Chameleon Skinks.