This blog has been a bit neglected over the last few months. And quite possibly it hasn't mattered anyway if no-one except us is actually paying any interest... (not bitter, honest!)
Either way, I felt like writing something Warhammer related and as we have this blog why not just ramble for the sake of it!
So this post comes during a time where the future of Warhammer Fantasy is uncertain. It's been about a year since the End Times happened to Warhammer 8th edition Fantasy (I can't really remember when it started).
The 3 of us didn't particularly get very involved in the End Times being honest. We read a few bits online and looked on with interest but weren't really in a position to keep up. All of us were busy moving houses, getting divorced / married (both of those were me!), and / or just focusing on other parts of busy lives. Plus all this life stuff getting in the way meant that funds were (and still are) quite short. We definitely didn't have the money to buy the story / rule books for the End Times or any of the models that came out and so in truth it passed us by a little.
And then... all of a sudden... Age of Sigmar happened.
PTG was initially quite excited as the free downloads meant that all our current models could be used in the new game. We were still all very hopeful of a proper Warhammer Fantasy 9th edition but as the weeks went by it was clear that 9th edition wasn't part of GW's plans.
We tried a few games of Age of Sigmar. I think we had 3 over the space of about 2 weeks. It was alright. I played in all 3 using as close to non-proxy as I could with my few Dwarf models. With them I won 2 of the 3 against High Elves and Skaven but was absolutely annihilated by the summoning Vampire Counts. We quickly realised that summoning was extremely powerful and perhaps we'd need to create our own house rules to tone it down a bit.
But then... we just didn't.
We lost interest in AoS. Not because we hadn't enjoyed the few games or time became short or anything. We just realised that AoS wasn't 8th edition. It didn't give us the same kick. There wasn't as much desire to play it. And none of us cared much for the new models or armies GW were releasing either. Nothing against AoS particularly. It just didn't hold our interest.
And so in the summer of 2015 we returned to Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition. We're keeping our eyes open online for various efforts in progress including Warhammer Fantasy 8.5 and fan-made 9th edition plus new army books made by non-GW sources. All are very intriguing but for the time being... for us... 8th EDITION LIVES ON!!!
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