Onto the next Lizardmen list!
My Elites list is basically a Saurus only list (although a Slann sneaks in too of course!) and even at 3,000 points it only has a total of 5 deployment drops, including the characters. Because of this it's easy to just list the units that's in it:
40x Saurus Warriors with Full Command & Spears
23x Saurus Warriors with Full Command
35x Temple Guard with Full Command & Warrior Bane on Champion
14x Cold One Riders with Musician, Standard Bearer & Spears
And then characters.
I've previously mentioned a couple of Cold One riding Saurus characters, those being Saurus Oldblood Phrau'ka and his bodyguard Saurus Scar-Veteran Zotaxyl. Both appear in this list and they also have further Scar-Veteran Cold One support from Battle Standard Bearer Xantoc and Magic Resistance Rider Ku'zaa.
All four of these Saurus characters have 1+ armour saves and Phrau'ka and Zotaxyl also have 4+ ward saves too. All four are absolutely awesome and only Xantoc doesn't have a Great Weapon (because he needs a Shield to get his 1+ armour save). Speaking of Xantoc his Battle Standard has the Banner of Swiftness whilst Ku'zaa carries the Obsidian Amulet for Magic Resistance (2), a Dragonhelm and an Ironcurse Icon.
All four start within the 14x Cold One unit deployed 6 wide and are more than capable of leaving that unit to perform the 'cowboy' role and go a'hunting! If the situation is right they could even deploy outside the unit although Ku'zaa with his Magic Resistance is probably likely to stay with them always.
But they aren't the only characters as this is also a list sporting the legendary Gor-Rok. He's there to provide Stubborn to the block of 40x Saurus as well as some killing power. Their ranks means they probably don't need Stubborn that much but the general plan is get to the enemy, take some charges and then grind it out. The Cold Ones are my only mobile unit so it's essential to stick around long enough for them to help out where they're needed, hence the Stubborn. If necessary Gor-Rok can always jump to the smaller Saurus unit as well who are less reliant on ranks.
And of course, a Slann Mage-Priest accompanies the Temple Guard. His name is Quetzacotl (Final Fantasy fan, anyone?) and he carries a Dispel Scroll and has Soul of Stone to protect the Temple Guard from any miscasts, hopefully! I tend to vary his lore of magic depending on the situation. Although this is slightly tailoring, I haven't really come up with a permanent lore for him so that's the way it is for now.
I like this list for what it is... because Saurus are amazing and very typically Lizardmen. There are obvious downsides as Skinks, Salamanders, Stegadons, Kroxigors, etc. are all very decent units and this list doesn't benefit from their abilities. But that's the point!
And what about their battle record??
Unfortunately, they've only come out to play the once. And despite having the Soul of Stone on Quetzacotl... he blew himself up and practically eradicated the Temple Guard in turn 1 of that battle against Lucky-Sixes' Vampire Counts! Oops! As a result I was always fighting a losing battle with no defence against Vampire magic and the very dangerous threat of a Terrorgheist on the Cold One unit was also paramount in the drubbing that this list received.
But it won't be the last time that the Elites ride to war. I promise you that!
Kind regards,
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