Battle Reports

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Lucky-Sixes Painting Update #4

Hallo there!

Using this update to combine quite a few models together, as I've had about 4/5 more painting sessions since the last update - and a theme has emerged! So, I'm labelling this update as "The Cavalry Charge!"

Now I can hear what you're all saying - "STOP with these unbreakable riddles, and just tell us what that could possibly mean!?". Okay, okay I will put you all out of your misery - I have painted up my cavalry models! I know, what a shocker. Anyhooo...

However, before we get into the new, let's recap what has already been completed from the last 3 updates.

41x Zombies (Vampire Covenant)
10x Knights of Ryma (Highborn Elves)
10x Wraiths / Spectral Hunters (Vampire Covenant)
1x Frost Phoenix + Rider (Highborn Elves)
1x Elder Dragon Centaur (Warriors of the Dark Gods)
(1x Lionguard Standard)* - This is not included in total model count but thought I'd add it in for shizzles and giggles

So as you can see, I have done some little touch ups to my models, adding some greenery on the Knights of Ryma & Phoenix models. Amazing how much difference a little sprinkling of grass and shrubbery can do to make the model look better. Granted its not the most creative of bases but it works for me and my standard of painting so I'm happy!

I can now add cavalry for Highborn Elves, Vampires and Warriors - helping to bolster my non-proxy catalogue for these 3 armies; and more importantly knocking off 15 more models off my 100 model total taking it to 78/100 complete.

So without further ado, lets take a look at the end result. First up, the Elein Reavers...

To be honest, I am least happy about these models of everything so far. they still feel a bit like a work in progress. For example, the Quiver isn't finished - straight up. I need to add wash to the arrows and add some more colour to the design of the quiver itself so that to start. I also need to add wash to the body itself to make them look more realistic and add a bit more colour to the main of the horse for definition. Finally, I need to add grass to the models and hide that plain green base, even if it is just the same as the other Elven models previously. Add into that a few gems here and there and the little details and I've pretty much got a new model to paint.

On the positive side, I do like the blue/silver bits that are on there so far, and the white cloth has come up quite clean, and from a distance on the battlefield they do look finished - but you (and I!) know this is not the case...

On hindsight, I'm not sure why i have included them as 'finished' but it may be because I've spent a lot of time on these and got frustrated so just gave up lol. so consider this one a work in progress and I will update you on changes in the next post.

Moving on swiftly, we have the mighty Wasteland Knights, with Full command...

So far I have found Warriors of the Dark Gods models really fun to paint and actually not that difficult to add detail. To be fair the models themselves help out with this a lot, as there is so much detail on the moulds that after adding the gold trim, a simple dry brush technique really highlights all the different grooves and gives the models real definition. I tend to base them all black, add in the more intricate painting of silver and gold, and then finish off with dry brushing the whole model with silver to give it that metallic effect while also giving the models a bit of dynamism. I didn't use any wash on these which may be something I add in later to help give more definition to the gold parts and dull down the bright colour but I am happy with the outcome at this stage so no rush for that.

The only thing I would say with these is that it is quite hard to put them together in the unit because of the massive weapons that they hold. not massively but something to note for any future models, to think about how the models will affect each other. I must admit, this is something that I never think about when in the assembly phase for any of my models and something I will think about moving forward.

But anyway, to sum up - I really liked painting these and love the work that has gone into sculpting these models. Big fan! I like how they've come out, really giving the impression they are the elite cavalry that they should be.

NEXT! Some Undead (Barrow) Knights, again with Full command...

As with all Undead, first I made everything white, adding some detail on the armour/weapons and ending with a muddy wash. Sounds simple but similar to the zombies, the wash makes all the difference. The great thing about painting an Undead army is it doesn't have to look pristine, and can even look better muddy/dirt-ily painted and the wash (like the dry-brushing) brings out so much character to the model and best of all, you get such quick results when applying it. I have even added in 'rust' to the gold parts of the models (shields and horse armour) which I thought was cool. Finishing off with the simple basing I think they have come out pretty well. only trouble is, 5 black knights doesn't really do much on the battlefield meaning I'm gonna need at least another 5/10. but pretty easy to duplicate I think - minimal colours and dry-brush does most the work - so no worries there.

But wait that is not all! Oh no. Carrying on the on the Cavalry-theme (kind of) I have a Highborn to add to this update, and fittingly (again, kind of) it is the rider for a Highborn Elf mount - the Phoenix Rider! Okay so its not for Cavalry but I felt it was similar enough to include through this category so I've gone with... so there.

I am actually quite proud of this one. I used a slightly different technique with him, adding multiple washes as I go and then layering it with the different colours. I feel this has helped me to get that extra detail out of the models and (surprisingly actually) gives the model more of a crisp feel. It has certainly changed my opinion of how to paint Highborn Elves, and I would say that this is now one of my better quality painted models of my whole collection. I will certainly be painting my other characters and models using this technique moving forward. The only thing I would say is that it isn't as light as my other models. Meaning I may have to redo my older models or do something with them anyway. Although I have since noticed that I've missed the gem on his torso so I'll have to update that in the next few painting sessions but can't grumble too much to be fair.

That concludes my latest updates on the painting challenge and overall, I'm pretty please with all these new additions. Although, I still think there's more work to do on the Reavers. But then again, it may be because they were painted at the same time as the other cavalry which tend to be much quicker to finish, and so there may have been a bit of frustration that comes with painting the High Elves, as they need to be very clean and pristine (in my opinion anyway). But hey ho, there you go! That's for my next challenge I guess.

Anyway, to finish, here's a quick overall picture to sum up the work done so far...

So, with all that said and done, we have the following left to complete:

1x Henrich Kemmler (Vampire Covenant)
1x Mage/Archmage (Highborn Elves)
2x Commander/High Prince (Highborn Elves) - One of which was formerly Annointed of Asuryan
17x Lothern Sea Guard (Highborn Elves)

Not much more to go, with 79 / 100 now complete! See you next time folks.

As always, thanks for supporting and hope you enjoyed!
If you have any questions or want to leave any comments then please feel free to do so!


Friday, 8 December 2017

Lucky-Sixes Painting Update #3

Hallo there!

Another few sessions of painting gone and I have now completed the shambling horde!
Thats 41 bad-boy zombies completed and officially marks the half way stage of our challenge. Very exciting times :)

So, last time we spoke I left you with what I had finished already. Let's recap shall we...

10x Knights of Ryma (Highborn Elves)
10x Wraiths / Spectral Hunters (Vampire Covenant)

1x Frost Phoenix + Rider (Highborn Elves)
1x Elder Dragon Centaur (Warriors of the Dark Gods)

Now add to that 41 undead zombies that makes 63 / 100 models completed and we are well on our way with 3 weeks still to go!

Anyway, shall we get down to business? Let's take a look...
P.S. Bonus points goes to you if you can spot the deceased pop star that has come back from the dead - courtesy of my wife!

Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Lucky-Sixes Painting Update #2

Hallo there!

I managed to get another few painting sessions under my belt in the last week and so have completed some more of my long list of unfinished models. Not sure whether I'm making good progress or not, but I feel like I'm taking down the list quite well - at least quicker than I have done before.

Anyway, last time we spoke I had finished the Phoenix & Elder Dragon Centaur, and started on the cavalry models of the Knights of Ryma & Wraiths / Spectral Hunters. This is where we were at:

I have now indeed finished these cavalry units, meaning I have an extra 10 of each to play with in my future battles. So without further-a-do, let's go through the new models in my collection...

Monday, 20 November 2017

Lucky-Sixes' Proxy Painting Challenge

Hallo there!

Lucky-Sixes here, hoping you are all enjoying our blog so far...

The boys keep telling me I am a quick painter, so I wanted to set up a challenge to see if I could live up to this reputation. In the 2 weeks leading up to our first visits to Warhammer World I painted a Vampire Character, Necromancer Character, 10x Skellies and 3x Vampire Spawn - as well as putting 21x Zombies together (although as they weren't painted they don't count!). I was quite happy with this and I'm in the mood for more!
So, as of now I have the following units that I want painted before 2018 starts:

1x Necromancer (Vampire Covenant) - Formerly Henrich Kemmler Model
1x Mage/Archmage (Highborn Elves)
2x Commander/High Prince (Highborn Elves) - One of which formerly Annointed of Asuryan
17x Sea Guard (Highborn Elves)
41x Zombies (Vampire Covenant)
5x Elein Reavers (Highborn Elves)
5x Barrow Knights (Vampire Covenant)
5x Wasteland Knights (Warriors of the Dark Gods)
10x Knights of Ryma (Highborn Elves)
10x Wraiths / Spectral Hunters (Vampire Covenant)
1x Frost Phoenix + Rider (Highborn Elves)
1x Elder Dragon Centaur (Warriors of the Dark Gods)

                                     All the models I have left unfinished - a mountain of Warhammer!

That's 100 models (if you count the rider for the Phoenix lol) in less than 6 weeks!
More than 2 models per day! Having said that, as you can tell from the photo, these are not all from scratch. Most of the models are already assembled and some are half painted.

Looking ahead at painting these, I'm most worried about the cavalry models - I feel they can be a bit of a pain sometimes - especially those Knights of Ryma, which you can see I've already started, got angry because they're very 'pinickity', and then left them to paint something else!

I always enjoy doing characters and monsters, so can't see them taking me too much time, and infantry can be fun - although you sometimes feel like you're on a production line. I will try to post after every session I have, so you can all stay up-to-date with my progress. My honest prediction is that I won't do this, but I'm gonna give it a real good go! So stay posted PTG fans, for this epic adventure we are going on together!

Thanks for your support and hope you enjoy!

Lucky-Sixes Painting Update #1

Hallo there!
Quick update for the painting challenge...

From the first post I had a HUGE amount of models to paint and it was quite daunting if I'm honest.

So I've had about 3 sessions now for painting, mainly revolved around getting the Knights of Ryma up to a suitable standard (which has taken me FOREVER!) but for the most part I've made some quick progress.

To update you today, I have now completed the Elder Dragon Centaur and the Phoenix. Couldn't help myself with these as they were such good looking models I went straight for the centrepieces!
In the long run this may prove a hindrance as they would've been good to finish on, but ah well what can you do!

So here's the Elder Dragon Centaur in all its glory...

Like I said I really enjoyed painting him, and didn't realise the model's details before getting stuck in!
For example the little creatures on his head are brilliant - good fun, and fantastically moulded to be intertwined with his hair...
It didn't take me too long either, just a couple of coats for the lighter colours, and a single coat for the darker, followed by dry brushing the metal parts and hair then finishing off with some wash.
Pretty happy with how it came out so yeah, all in all a nice model to have!

The Phoenix up next...

An absolutely gorgeous model. I must admit, some of the Games Workshop stuff that's out there is fantastic. Again, another model that took a relatively short time to complete. 3 different blues on the feathers, followed by 2 lots of dry brushing (with a light blue, and a white) finishing off with a blue wash. Lovely! And a very useful tool on the battlefield...
I have not yet tackled the rider, but I may leave that to when I'm doing the characters all together.

Since these pictures, I have actually based up the Centaur and done little bits to my Phoenix base - although I'm still not 100% sure I like it - it feels a little plain. If you guys have any ideas on what I can do then let me know via comments below...

Finally, I have now got my 10x Knights of Ryma up to about 70% finished, and started to assemble my 10x Wraiths / Spectral Hunters so it's all go! They will probably be my next models, then I'll see what tickles my fancy.

Anyway, there we have it, my first update and two of the models down with hopefully my next post getting another 20 or so models finished! We'll see.
So the remaining items to finish before 2018 stands as:

1x Necromancer (Vampire Covenant) - Formerly Henrich Kemmler Model
1x Mage/Archmage (Highborn Elves)
1x Phoenix Rider (Highborn Elves)
2x Commander/High Prince (Highborn Elves) - One of which was formerly Annointed of Asuryan

17x Sea Guard (Highborn Elves)
41x Zombies (Vampire Covenant)

5x Elein Reavers (Highborn Elves)
5x Barrow Knights (Vampire Covenant)
5x Wasteland Knights (Warriors of the Dark Gods)
10x Knights of Ryma (Highborn Elves)
10x Wraiths / Spectral Hunters (Vampire Covenant)

Right that's all for now, so thanks for your support and hope you enjoyed! :)

Thursday, 9 November 2017

The 9th Age

So we've established that my posting on here for the 9th Age has been pretty rubbish and, despite writing this one post many months ago, I'm only now getting around to finish it!

At least I managed to catch up with the 3 practice battles that we had in May / June 2016 - and of course, I lost all of them!

Since then of course quite a few months have gone by and as a group PTG has now managed a total of 40 battles since those practice games.

The chances of me recounting all of those is less than zero so instead for the record I'll just post the vital statistics!

11-06 - Pestilence Daemons (Stat-Rat) beat Highborn Elves (Lucky-Sixes)
11-06 - Highborn Elves (Stat-Rat & Lucky-Sixes) beat Saurian Ancients (Hyper-G)
02-07 - Vampire Covenant (Lucky-Sixes) beat Saurian Ancients (Hyper-G)
15-07 - Wrath Daemons (Stat-Rat) beat Saurian Ancients (Hyper-G)
15-07 - Lust Daemons (Stat-Rat) beat Vampire Covenant (Lucky-Sixes & Hyper-G)
16-07 - Highborn Elves (Lucky-Sixes) beat Change Daemons (Stat-Rat & Hyper-G)
23-07 - Saurian Ancients (Hyper-G) beat Highborn Elves (Lucky-Sixes & Stat-Rat)
05-08 - Lust Daemons (Stat-Rat) beat Highborn Elves (Lucky-Sixes)
10-09 - Empire Of Sonnstahl (Stat-Rat) beat Highborn Elves (Lucky Sixes)
17-09 - Saurian Ancients (Hyper-G) beat Highborn Elves (Lucky-Sixes)
30-09 - Saurian Ancients (Hyper-G) drew with Warriors Of The Dark Gods (Lucky-Sixes)
20-10 - Saurian Ancients (Hyper-G) beat Vampire Covenant (Lucky-Sixes)
05-11 - Empire Of Sonnstahl (Stat-Rat) beat Saurian Ancients (Hyper-G)
26-11 - Saurian Ancients (Hyper-G) beat Highborn Elves (Lucky-Sixes)
26-11 - Vampire Covenant (Lucky-Sixes) beat Empire Of Sonnstahl (Stat-Rat)
27-12 - Orcs & Goblins (Hyper-G) beat Warriors Of The Dark Gods (Lucky-Sixes)
30-12 - Empire Of Sonnstahl (Stat-Rat) beat Vampire Covenant (Lucky-Sixes)
14-01 - Vampire Covenant (Lucky-Sixes) beat Orcs & Goblins (Hyper-G)
30-01 - Orcs & Goblins (Hyper-G) beat Empire Of Sonnstahl (Stat-Rat)
13-02 - Highborn Elves (Lucky-Sixes) beat The Vermin Swarm (Stat-Rat)
27-02 - The Vermin Swarm (Stat-Rat) beat Orcs & Goblins (Hyper-G & Lucky-Sixes)
11-03 - The Vermin Swarm (Stat-Rat) beat Orcs & Goblins (Hyper-G)
03-04 - Warriors Of The Dark Gods (Lucky-Sixes & Stat-Rat) beat Orcs & Goblins (Hyper-G)
17-04 - The Vermin Swarm (Stat-Rat) beat Kingdoms Of Equitaine (Lucky-Sixes & Hyper-G)
21-04 - Kingdoms Of Equitaine (Lucky-Sixes) beat Orcs & Goblins (Hyper-G)
01-05 - The Vermin Swarm (Stat-Rat) beat Highborn Elves (Lucky-Sixes)
06-05 - Vampire Covenant (Lucky-Sixes & Hyper-G) drew with Infernal Dwarfs (Stat-Rat)
20-05 - Dread Elves (Hyper-G) beat Kingdoms Of Equitaine (Lucky-Sixes)
12-06 - Dread Elves (Hyper-G) beat Infernal Dwarfs (Stat-Rat)
19-06 - Infernal Dwarfs (Stat-Rat) beat Dread Elves (Hyper-G)
20-06 - Highborn Elves (Lucky-Sixes) beat Ogre Khans (Hyper-G)
02-07 - Vampire Covenant (Lucky-Sixes) beat Infernal Dwarfs (Stat-Rat)
06-07 - Empire Of Sonnstahl (Hyper-G) beat Highborn Elves (Lucky-Sixes)
06-07 - Saurian Ancients (Lucky-Sixes) beat Daemon Legions (Hyper-G)
07-07 - The Vermin Swarm (Lucky-Sixes) beat Kingdoms Of Equitaine (Hyper-G)
19-07 - Nurgle Daemons (Stat-Rat) beat Warriors Of The Dark Gods (Lucky-Sixes)
17-07 - Infernal Dwarfs (Stat-Rat) beat Ogre Khans (Hyper-G)
04-08 - The Vermin Swarm (Stat-Rat) beat Vampire Covenant (Lucky-Sixes)
27-09 - Empire Of Sonnstahl (Stat-Rat) beat Highborn Elves (Lucky-Sixes)
18-10 - Highborn Elves (Lucky-Sixes) beat Ogre Khans (Hyper-G)

The eagle-eyed (or those still awake) will notice that it took me until 23rd of July 2016 to get my first win in 9th Age!  It also took until 16th July 2016 for Stat-Rat to suffer his first loss, and that could be argued was only because he teamed up with me!

Stat-Rat has the best record of the 3 of us clocking in an impressive 70.83% win rate.  Lucky-Sixes is down on 46.15% but still comfortably ahead of my lowly 30.51%

I can't even say that having 3 losses to begin with is the reason for this poor win rate as it's not really as though my fortunes (or ability!) have improved much!

Opinions on whether or not Stat-Rat has been lucky with how his armies have shaped up in 9th Age will possibly have to wait for another day but I'll stop here with this droning of an update on our battling and promise (once again) for more regular updates in future!

Tuesday, 31 January 2017

9th Age Practice - Battle 3

Battle 3
Our third 9th Age practice battle saw us change armies once again (all through random dice-rolling) and Lucky-Sixes was back in control of the Sylvan Elves while I took Undying Dynasties.  Having lost 2/2 I was desperate to win this one and at least salvage some pride.

Lucky-Sixes list contained:

Forest Prince (Sacred Spear Of Cadaron, Talisman Of Shielding, Forest Guardian, Light Armour, Shield, Longbow, Fey Arrows - Perforating Tip)
Druid (Shielding Scroll, Level 2, Path of White Magic)
Chieftain (BSB, Helm Of The Wild Hunt, Wild Hunter, Light Armour, Shield, Elven Cloak, Longbow, Fey Arrows - Perforating Tip, Sylvan Lance, Great Elk)
49x Forest Guard w. Full Command (Shields)
8x Wild Huntsmen w. Full Command (Shields)
23x Forest Rangers w. Full Command (Elven Cloaks, Amryl's Banner)
10x Briar Maidens w. Full Command
Forest Eagle (Armour Piercing, Lightning Reflexes)

My list contained:

Death Cult Hierarch (Brooch Of The Sun, Book Of The Dead, Ark Of Ages, Necromantic Aura, Soul Conduit, Level 4, Path of Sand)
30x Skeleton Archers w. Full Command (Flaming Standard)
10x Skeleton Cavalry (Aspen Bows)
10x Skeleton Cavarly w. Full Command (Light Armour, Light Lance)
Sand Scorpion
Sand Scorpion
3x Sand Stalkers w. Champion (Underground Ambush)
3x Sand Stalkers w. Champion (Underground Ambush)
Charnel Catapult
Charnel Catapult
Dread Sphinx (Innate Defence (4+))

This time we rolled classic deployment so in all 3 practice battles we'd managed a different version of deployment which was perfect to see them all.  I deployed first wanting the first turn for shooting and with so few units not deploying underground.  I had both the Charnel Catapults either side of the Death Cult Hierarch on the Ark Of Ages behind the Skeleton Archers and Dread Sphinx with Cavalry support either side.  It looked organised.  I was happy.

Lucky-Sixes arrayed out his forces with the infantry units in the middle and both cavalry units on his right flank.  The Eagle was set for War Machine hunting.

This time I felt like this was an evenly matched fight.  His combat power was much higher than mine but I hoped that the Dread Sphinx could help out there.  I was really worried about the Wild Huntsmen though especially with a very 'killy' BSB on a Great Elk.  They would need to be slowed down.

Things started well enough as I shot at things and killed some Elves.  Half way through the game some of those Elves returned because we realised that I'd only been scattering the Charnel Catapults D6" instead of D6x2" but it was an honest mistake that we tried to correct by bringing some Forest Guard back later on.  I also cast Wind Blast on the Wild Huntsmen to keep them from moving too far in turn 1 but I forgot that the spell also reduced nearby units Ballistic Skill by 1 and that might have helped when Lucky-Sixes moved his Briar Maidens up and they shot away 5 Skeleton Cavalry with their Poisoned Thorns.  This was the Skeleton Cavalry with armour as well but they appeared to have forgotten that they had any.

That unit was now fairly useless as they couldn't hope to beat the Wild Huntsmen and a stand and shoot from the Briar Maidens would be suicide if they charged them so instead they attempted to be a nuisance to the Briar Maidens who didn't mind and charge-killed them in Sylvan Elves turn 2.

Meanwhile the Wild Huntsmen had found their way around my left flank and I'd brought on both units of Sand Stalkers, one behind the Briar Maidens (who had since turned around) and the other to threaten the flank of the Forest Rangers.  The Great Eagle was now only a few inches away from one of my Charnel Catapults as the Skeleton Cavalry with Aspen Bows were pretending to be my Sylvan Archers from the last battle and failing spectacularly.  As a result I showed them little confidence in my turn 3 and badly positioned the Sand Stalkers that side to help kill the birdie.  Of course, this time the Skeleton Cavalry brought it down no trouble and the Sand Stalkers wasted their shooting (This was totally my fault - I should have placed the Sand Stalkers better - and Lucky-Sixes enjoyed my grumbling too!)

The Sand Scorpions had also come on in my turn 3 as the other Sand Stalkers charged the Briar Maidens that had turned to face them.  I thought long and hard about whether or not a Sand Scorpion could delay the Wild Huntsmen if the Underground Ambush scattered into them when they appeared.  I decided it wouldn't work out well for the Scorpion so placed one behind the Forest Guard unit and the other a decent distance behind the Wild Huntsmen instead.  Naturally I rolled a spectacular distance and direction for the Scorpion near the Huntsmen and it charged them anyway!

I'd been picking off Forest Guard and Forest Rangers as they approached and that was going okay but one of the Charnal Catapults packed up its ammunition and decided not to fire the rest of the battle.  Then we went to combat and the Sand Stalkers were ripped a new one by the Briar Maidens.  This I hadn't expected at all.  They took enough wounds to kill a model from the Sylvan Elf attacks and while I was disappointed with this it was worse when they fluffed their own attacks.  After combat resolution only one Sand Stalker remained and most of the Briar Maidens were still standing.  That wasn't great as I'd hoped that not many wounds would be done on either side and the combat would just stick.  Then it was over to the Sand Scorpion and I wasn't terribly surprised to see it killed before it struck.  At least my previous conclusion about that had been correct and I'd tried to prevent it from going in for a valid reason.

This was another battle where things were not going well but I thought I might be able to salvage it because the Forest Rangers were vastly depleted and the Dread Sphinx had managed a charge on the Forest Guard.  It was picking away at them and within a turn would have back up from the Sand Scorpion in the rear.  Lucky-Sixes, however, was really testing my resolve as he kept getting through Blessing Of Amhar on the Forest Guard AND rolled loads of successful ward saves to keep his Druid alive over 3 turns of combat.  Thankfully the Dread Sphinx was killing other models with its Stomp attacks but I may or may not have declared that irrespective of whether I won the battle or not... THAT DRUID WAS GOING TO DIE!

The Wild Huntsmen proceeded to charge my Death Cult Hierarch on the Ark Of Ages and a session of rules checking ensued.  This was the point that I realised that the Ark Of Ages could have deployed within the Skeleton Archer block.  That might have been handy!  Still, I declared a challenge with my Hierophant and Lucky-Sixes refused which at least removed his very dangerous BSB from the equation.  I hoped that if the Ark Of Ages could just hold the Wild Hunstmen for a turn or two I'd be able to finish off the Forest Rangers with shooting and whittle down the Forest Guard.

Alas, it was not to be.  The Wild Huntsmen destroyed the Ark Of Ages on the charge and overran into the back of the Skeleton Archers.  Hilariously, the Sand Scorpion in the back of the Forest Guard failed a dangerous terrain test going into their rear and then died shortly afterwards from crumbling with the Hierophant dead.  The rest of the battle is a bit of a haze but with my Hierophant gone and the Skeleton Archers shortly afterwards the Dread Sphinx was eventually bullied and killed.  But he did manage to kill the Druid in the end so it wasn't all bad.

It was another win for Lucky-Sixes and we were extremely impressed by the Wild Huntsmen and Briar Maidens.  I'd done a few things wrong throughout the battle but my defeat had mainly been down to the rampaging Huntsmen while the infantry block soaked up arrows and catapult shots.  Having reviewed the Sand Stalkers it probably wasn't the best battle for them going up against high initiative opponents but I still had been surprised by their awful combat efforts and would need to play them better if playing them again.

Lucky-Sixes had completed the hat-trick and played very well in all 3 battles.  The second half of the third battle he even did so with a stinking hangover!  My dirty tactics of being loud and not giving any sympathy failed to work either!

Thus ended our first 3 9th Age practice games with Sylvan Elves and Undying Dynasties

Lucky-Sixes says...'

The whitewash was complete, and I found myself in the favourable position of having bragging rights of the group! However, I was not able to enjoy this to its full extent, as I may have overindulged in true Dwarven style the night before, which meant that all I wanted to do was sleep rather than celebrate! Haha.

Anyway. Let's skip past that shall we...

When we had both deployed I was happy with the set up that laid before us. I was eager to see how the Huntsmen matched up to their previous representatives. I had played with Sylvan Elves quite a lot in the last edition and the Wild Huntsmen units featured heavily in those lists, so I was confident that I could use that experience to my advantage in this battle.

I was pleased with how I moved my units and set up most of the match-ups I wanted, but again there was an element of fortune in the way some of the combats went. I managed to live up to my name when rolling ward saves for my Druid and this really helped to get a few spells off here and there; and while magic was not a game changer it certainly helped. In fact this was the first battle where magic was an obvious factor - on both sides.

The underground assault Hyper-G had planned was exciting and he played it well to get around and behind some of my units, and on another day would've provided good rear support in combats, were it not for his rolling which kind of scuppered him somewhat. Otherwise, the battle was quite even, I had the movement advantage, but he was winning in the shooting and magic phases, depleting my units more than steadily before they arrived. He was also seriously hurting my Forest Guard unit with his Dread Sphinx, and even when my other units came in the flank, it was hit and miss whether I was gonna overcome it, but in the end - with the Hierophant gone, the Undead eventually crumbled to dust.

But it was the Wild Huntsmen that won the day, with the Briar Maidens coming in a close second. The shear amount of Strength 5 attacks that a unit of 6/7 Huntsmen can dish out is phenomenal. The Maidens 4+ Ward makes them pretty sturdy too, and with both of their mounts boasting Movement 8/9 and a Strength 4 attack to support, they 'ent bad at all! I was able to get rid of the chaff and get at the Undead units from the flank and rear and in the end, that was telling on the result.

The battle was another enjoyable match up, and I was pleased that we had both played as both armies and through the mini-series had got to see a vast array of units from both books. I was certainly left in a state of anticipation for the next battle and the seemingly bright future ahead with the 9th Age.

The game mechanics have been altered but not drastically changed and so far we have agreed with every rule we have come across. Army books look good and seem to have accommodated both fluff and competitiveness with no obvious let downs, so I cannot wait to get my teeth stuck into the other armies to see what they have to offer! Well done to everyone involved in the 9th Age, you certainly have my support...

9th Age Practice - Battle 2

Battle 2
Our second 9th Age practice battle saw a turn around of armies as this time Lucky-Sixes rolled to take on the Undying Dynasties whilst I took control of the Sylvan Elves.

Lucky-Sixes 'Chariot' list contained:

Nomarch (Chariot Of Nephet-Ra, Heavy Armour, Shield, Lance, Skeleton Chariot, Additional Skeleton Horses)
Death Cult Acolyte (Level 1, Path of Sand)
Tomb Architect (Death Mask Of Teput, Lance, Amuut, Master Mason)
10x Skeleton Chariots w. Full Command (Banner Of Discipline)
11x Skeleton Archers
3x Shabtis w. Full Command (Great Aspen Bows, Flaming Standard)
3x Tomb Cataphracts
Battle Sphinx (Innate Defence (4+), Breath Weapon)
3x Winged Reapers (Light Armour, Paired Weapons, Necromantic Aura)
Colossus (Scales Of Destiny)

My list contained:

High Druid (Level 4, Path of White Magic, Tree Singing, Book Of Arcane Power, Sacred Seeds)
Chieftain (BSB, Drums Of Cenyrn, Blade Dancer, Sylvan Blades)
Druid (Mist Walker's Mirror, Level 1, Path of Nature)
29x Sylvan Archers w. Full Command (Black Arrows)
6x Heath Riders w. Standard Bearer (Shields, Elven Cloaks)
9x Blade Dancers w. Full Command
3x Kestrel Knights w. Musician & Champion (Shield, Light Armour, Skirmishers)
3x Kestrel Knights w. Musician & Champion (Shield, Light Armour, Skirmishers)
10x Sylvan Sentinels w. Champion (Paired Weapons, Scout, Hawthorn Points)
10x Pathfinders w. Champion

Again there's no pictures (there would have been Battle Chronicler images but I'm rubbish and so out of date) (non-proxy rating 0/10) so this will be brief and I should mention that in making the lists I tried not to tailor them at all, sometimes to quite a dire extent.  For example, the Drums Of Cenryn on the Blade Dancer Chieftain was always going to be useless against Undying Dynasties as they can only ever declare a Hold charge reaction.  But I was having fun with my lists so it wasn't really until the point of the battle that I realised some basic things with the lists that didn't make sense.  I guess I tried so hard not to tailor the lists that even included things I knew would have no effect!  Oops!

This time we had the Flank Attack set up and a secondary objective to hold the central ground.  This deployment was quite complicated but after much measuring we got there in the end.  Once again I found myself staring down some enemy units that I didn't really know how to deal with.  The big Chariot unit was very intimidating and the Tomb Cataphracts that were deployed on one flank with the Winged Reapers looked pretty solid too.  I set up with my main shooting block in one corner in a forest and had another forest in the opposite corner.  My intention was to draw the chariots nearer and then use the Mist Walker's Mirror to teleport when they came too close for comfort.  Meanwhile my mobile shooting Sylvan Sentinels and Pathfinders would harass the enemy and hopefully whittle them down.

I remember that doing the first couple of turns Lucky-Sixes moved forwards and shot with his Aspen Bows, both from the tiny unit of Skeleton Archers that were a bunker for his Hierophant and also with the Skeleton Charioteers.  Alarmingly he was taking models from my army out and one unit of Kestrel Knights fled from panic, whilst the Dancers also lost a few.

In response my shooters were not doing so well.  I thought that I could take out the Shabtis with one round of arrows but somehow they took two turns and an eventual charge from the Sylvan Sentinels and the Heath Riders.  I'd spent far too many shots killing the Shabtis and before I knew it the Chariots were right on the doorstep of the Sylvan Archer unit.

The other unit of Kestrel Knights had managed to charge the Winged Reapers in the flank but that didn't turn out well and they were also sent fleeing.

Whilst this didn't look great I felt that things were okay because I'd reduced the Dread Sphinx to 1 wound, had forced the Hierophant out of his bunker through magic and Kestrel activity and was flanking with both skirmishing shooter units.  Both the Kestrel units were fleeing or gone but that was alright.  I popped the Mist Walker's Mirror and all of a sudden Lucky-Sixes' Chariots were facing one empty corner (we played open lists so this wasn't a complete surprise it should be noted).

This was the end of me being in control though.  The Dread Sphinx declared a long charge on the Sylvan Sentinels who had been expecting it and hoped to kill it with a final stand & shoot but instead they failed their terror test and fled out of reach.  But in doing so they clipped the Pathfinders.  Uh oh!  They failed their panic test and fled off the board.  In the following turn the Sylvan Sentinels failed to rally and also fled off the board.  Moments later and the chariots shot away half of the Heath Riders although thankfully they held their panic.

In such a short space of time a quarter of my army ceased to be on the table and Lucky-Sixes had needed to do very little to achieve it.  I was somewhat aggrieved and attempted to charge the Blade Dancers with Chieftain BSB into the flank of the Chariots to try and kill off his General in a flash attack.  But of course, they failed their charge.  The remaining Heath Riders also tried a last ditch effort to kill the Dread Sphinx hoping to get that final wound through, but they couldn't do it and died shortly afterwards.

Lucky-Sixes at this point was pretty happy to call off any attempt at going after my Sylvan Archer unit as he simply didn't need to.  While my army failed to play ball they'd managed to fail a swift reform test and lost a turn of shooting as a result.  The battle came to an anticlimactic end as the Chariots ran through the Blade Dancers with impact hits (even with a 3+ ward save) and the board belonged to Undying Dynasties apart from the Archers in the corner that had forgotten to string their bows!

It was incredible how the Sylvan Elves had gone downhill so quickly with so many failed tests in such a short space of time.  BUT... it should be noted that all but one of the failed leadership tests were done without the BSB re-roll... so maybe that was the reason.  It was a disappointing end to this one for me as I thought I'd been doing okay.  Not to take away from Lucky-Sixes who had again done nothing wrong either and certainly deserved the victory.

Lucky-Sixes says...'

Yeah... I feel like I had been gifted this one if I'm honest. Not through my own luck - this time anyway! ;) - but through Hyper-G's own poor rolling. A few failed leadership tests meant I was able to focus on units that should've been safe, had I been dealing with the skirmishers that were up in my business. Having said that, I was able to capitalise on Hyper-G's misfortunes and was able to control most of the latter part of the battle.

Going into this battle I was quite excited with the list. I am a massive fan of Chariots, have been since I started in 7th editon; so to see a huge unit of Chariots all in one with a general in it as well made my mouth water. Otherwise it was quite an interesting list, with a bit of an MSU feel to it, with the obvious exception of those Chariots!

Again, magic didn't really get tested, as I only had a Level 1, and I can't remember magic doing all that much for the Sylvan Elves either - shooting was the main focus of this battle. The Elves had the obvious advantage but due to Hyper-G's fantastic rolling it was taking double the time it should have been and the Undying Dynasties had more units than they should've to attack back. The chariot unit had a surprisingly good number of shots and along with the 11 Skeleton Archers - and the 5+ to hit on everything, we were steadily taking down the opposition.

The Winged Reapers proved to be quite cool and toughness turned out to be the decider when the Kestrels came-a-calling. Otherwise, my units hung back and waited for the Elves to crumble (ironic eh!), before rushing the enemy towards the end in an Undead wave; and then finally backing off happy with the work they had done.

Quite happy with the Undying Dynasties, units were cool and some nice changes - with the main one in adding the same Undead rule that the Vampires have - marching within 12" of the general. This has made them nearly as mobile as other armies and is a huge improvement / step forward in the 9th Age. Not that I noticed it much with my Chariot unit, but the flyers / monsters certainly profited from it. Granted, other armies will still likely be able to outmanoeuvre you and if you are not within that 12" range then you will still struggle, but not anywhere near by the same margins as before, which is great.

Anyway, another fun battle and another win for Lucky-Sixes taking it to 2-0, so I can't grumble at all. Not that it was about winning at all, and we certainly weren't playing it that way. Still everyone loves a whitewash...

Oops! 2

So let's forget about the apology for not posting regularly again...
Let's forget about promising to post regularly in the future again...

Let's just accept that it is what it is and a long... long time since I last posted...


Battles 2 & 3 are going to be posted even though they happened AGES ago!

I actually wrote them up and didn't post them because I was waiting to do the battle chronicler pictures.  Now that the battles are so out of date I'm just going to post the reports as they are and then move on to what on earth I've been doing since then!

Battle 4 of the practices happened... but I didn't write it up... so poor Stat-Rat won't get to tell directly how he destroyed me in it - what a shame!

Kind regards,